Event Statistics

EventStats will convert your raw temporal data into capacity planning intelligence.   Start by supplying EventStats with a dataset with start-end dates (ie admissions) or just single date points along with 1 or more dimensions (ie patient id, hospital number, Snomed code).  You can also provide data fields to count or average, such as a mortality flag or an in-patient cost field.

Choose your analysis parameters, ie by day, by hour, which dimension fields to use & group by & which data & function to use and Event Stats will show you the graph, pivot & raw data.

Once you have analysed your data, the raw data & results pivot can be exported to Excel & the chart image can be saved.

You can re-analyse the data without having to re-import, by choosing new data fields or dimension fields from the existing import to produce different results.

EventStats allows you to save your settings (file, import settings, analysis settings and export settings) as a single project file for ease of repeated use.