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When opening a patient folder with images present, a list of thumbnails will be displayed on the left of the screen.

Folder thumbnail view.jpg

The thumbnails are displayed to the right of the patent folder by default, the thumbnails window can be unpinned by clicking on the Pin Icon they will then be hidden from view until required. Hover the mouse over the Thumbnails Tab to view the hidden thumbnails. Once the mouse has been moved to another part of the screen the Thumbnails will be hidden once again.

To display Thumbnails click the thumbnail tab Thumbnail tab.jpg located to the right of the folder, the keep the thumbnails displayed click the Pin Icon.

ThumbnailImageSize.jpg The thumbalis can be displayed as small medium and large, to do this select the image icon on the Thumbnail Gallery toolbar, choose the image size from the drop down list.

The width and height can also be adjusted by using the zoom bar at the bottom of the thumbnails window.


The Image data fields are fully editable, click the save button once changes have been made.


To open an image double click, the image will be opened in the large view window where further edits can be made. For further information please see Image List

Clinical Records Thumbnails

Within a clinical record a thumbnails button will be located on the tool bar.


Where images are present a badge will be displayed showing the number of images linked to the current record. Click the thumbnails button to display a list of the linked thumbnail gallery to the right side of the screen.

Click the thumbnail to enlarge the image.