Aquila For Burns (iBID)

Aims of Ibid

To make available a large volume of detailed data about burn injuries which will allow advances to be made in a number of areas:

  • Prevention
  • Service provision monitoring
  • Quality Assurance
  • Planning and modelling changes in service provision
  • Service accreditation
  • Audit and support of Clinical Governance
  • Outcome assessment
  • Epidemiological and/or multi-centred clinical research


The database is intended to be a record of the injury and aspects of the process of patient care, so as to give an indication of the quality and costs of care but also measure clinical outcomes.  The guiding principles were to ensure that the data is:

  • Acceptable as a dataset to all working in burn care
  • Available from records covering the whole care period
  • Measurable for every case presenting and being admitted
  • Collectable without undue effort
  • Meaningful with a minimum of confounding factors
  • Stable so as to be useful as a long term measure of care and to monitor prevention efforts

iBID Record

Aquila CRS for Burns (aka iBID) is the only clinical system that implements the full iBID dataset standard and is currently in use throughout burn services in England & Wales.

Additionally Aquila for Burns implements numerous analysis calculations that historically were performed centrally at the national registry level.  These calculated fields provide local services with immediate access to aggregated data about their own service without having to wait for periodical reports from the national registry.

Aquila for Burns has implemented numerous rules implemented through the Aquila validation engine. This puts any potential data quality issues at the users finger tips.

Daily Dependency

The daily dependency record exists as an on-going record of care that contributes to the full iBID record.  The dependency dataset covers both in-patient and out-patient data points, including theatre and wound based interventions.

The data is aggregated into the iBID record via the iBID analysis calculation engine.

National Registry Support

In 2004 the UK National Burn Care Group (NBCG) funded the creation of the UK.NBID registry. In April 2005, the data collection and analysis began.

Aquila for Burns asynchronously uploads anonymised, encrypted iBID compliant data to the UK NBID registry whilst you work.  This means almost real-time national registry updates.  At the time of writing, Aquila CRS has uploaded and updated 190k burn injury cases on the UK NBID.

DocumentationSupportIBID Website