Digital Imaging

Multiple Acquisition Sources

Images are added, and linked to, the AquilaCRS system via clinical speciality records such as Burns, Skin Lesion, Wound Assessment, etc.

Images can be imported from

  • Digital Cameras
  • Memory sticks/USB/external drives
  • Web/tablet cameras or any live video feed
  • The confidential aqNetPhoto mobile digital imaging app
  • Telemedicine referral data

Image Viewer

The image viewer software component provides the ability to view the full size image with zoom & pan functionality.

Image metadata can be edited & saved.

Adjustments can be made (but never saved) to the image for better clarity.

Annotations can be added to the image, including ruler & angle measurements, notes, labels, arrows, lines, shapes, highlighters.

The annotations are held in a separate layer and can be toggled on and off.


Thumbnails & Image Lists

Within the clinical record, or the overview patient window, images are shown as a grid of thumbnails with the ability to resize the thumbnails and adjust the number of rows/columns and the amount of meta data shown.

There is also an image list function which shows images & their meta data in a table format for ease of filtering, grouping and sorting.


Image Query

Images, their meta data and their linked clinical data can be queried using the powerful AquilaCRS query engine.

Advanced users are able to build complex queries to extract specific image records.

Image query functions are provided for each clinical speciality that support image capture in your system config.



As a clinician, or anyone involved in clinical photography, a useful productivity feature is to be able to maintain private image collections.

A collection is a set of images that you can maintain, and can be for any purpose.

For example, a clinician may want to collect images that demonstrate the various stages of a particular condition, or that are to be used in teaching materials.

An image can appear in any number of collections, and adding and removing images from the collection is easy via the collection editor.  Images in a collection can be annotated separately from the copy of the image in the clinical record.

Collections are by default private to your user profile, but can be shared with other users.

Coming in early 2019