NNBC Trust Sites

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This topic is for NBBB Call Centre


The NNBC Trust Sites is a table of data that is sourced from a database held locally at the IBID offices. Any changes to this data are to be made in the source data file, and not in the NBBB suite of applications.

The source data file is a join of the Organisation Codes Service ETS file and locally held data such as Burn Service level etc.

The ETS file contains the NHS 5 character Organisation Code and it is this code that is used to generate the Burn Service Access Code to allow the burn services to update their own bed availability. Access Codes are dynamically generated for all organisations marked as BSR and UGH_BS. Access Codes are not stored anywhere, but are dynamically generated every time they are needed.


This module of the NBBB Call Centre app is designed to allow the import of a CSV data file containing all NHS Trust sites. The file is based on the National Admninstration Codes Service (NACS) Organisation Codes Service (OCS) Codes. Additional information is added by the administrators of the National Burn Injury Database.

You must be logged in as an administrator or super administrator to peform this function.

Importing a new CSV File

When a new CSV file is exported from the central database (currently in Viewpoint):

  1. Click Import CSV
  2. Locate the file and click Open
  3. The data file will be read and progress can be seen in the lower left.
  4. Once the data has been read, you will be prompted to save to the database.